Futijsu Air Conditioner ASTA18LCC won’t start up

I’ve got a Futijsu Air Conditioner in my office which decided not to turn on when we hit the coldest part of year 🙁
When operating normally, the unit would beep and the ‘Operation’ indicator light would turn red as soon as the remote tried to turn the unit on, but on this cold morning nothing happened.
In this past I’ve had the fuse blow so after checking the fuse was OK, I checked the outside condenser unit for dead animals which normally try to crawl up the wiring and short out the wires – but no remains this time! I checked for power on the outside unit and there was nothing. There was power going to the inside unit, and a quick trace of the cables shows the inside unit controls the power feed to the outside unit. This indicated an issue with the inside unit.
After prying and pulling and unscrewing every screw I could find (one was at the rear of the unit which I had to blindly unscrew), I managed to remove the outer case and with some more prying an pulling I managed to get to the main control PCB.

Main Control PCB

I did a quick search on the internet to see if there were any of these boards (K02DR-C-C) available, a few items came up, one on Aliexpress for NZ$133, one for US$26.56 on yoycart.com which I haven’t heard of before. So I thought I’d check the board and quickly noticed IC2 had suffered a high current event. IC2 was a TNY264PN which according to the datasheet is a power supply controller which includes a MOSFET used for switching in the AC to DC conversion power circuit. Pin 5 (Drain pin) had been melted away.

Pin5 TNY26PN

Checking other components around this IC, everything else seemed the be normal. I noticed some foreign material burnt onto the electrolytic capacitor (C4) so I’m guessing some little insect was trying to find a warm place to live and shorted Pins 7 and Pin 5 making short work of both the insect and Pin 5.
A replacement IC was ordered initially from AliExpress but due to the slow delivery time (I’m too cheap to pay for DHL) it was 4 weeks later and still no replacement chip. I had some other parts for another project to get so ordered a replacement from Digi-Key (US$0.96) and less than 7 days later the replacement IC arrived, the faulty IC was removed and a new one installed. With anticipation and only 2 screws left over, power was turned on, the remote pressed, the unit beeped, the Operation LED was RED, and the vents opened – all fixed for less than US$1.

sipe-collab on fedora 27

Install the required packages:

yum install libpurple-devel libtool intltool pkgconfig glib2-devel libxml2-devel gettext-devel gmime-devel nss-devel openssl-devel farstream02-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel libnice-devel libpurple-devel freerdp-devel

mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/tieto/sipe.git
cd sipe
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr
su -c "make install"

802.1x From Fedora 27

The enterprise wireless I was connecting to required that your wifi mac address be known. By default, NetworkManager randomises your wifi mac address (https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2016/08/26/mac-address-spoofing-in-networkmanager-1-4-0/).
So to disable this just for this particular network, I run the following command (where SSID is the name of the wireless network):
nmcli connection modify SSID 802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address preserve

As per the linked page, if you want to disable it globally, add the following to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf:


Syncing the NZ AIP into Air Nav Pro

So I wanted to be lazy and not worry about manually updating the aerodrome charts in Air Nav Pro.
Since there doesn’t seem to be an API in the NZAIP (www.aip.net.nz) I hacked together a python script to scrape the data and download all the plates. I’ve excluded downloading any IFR plates (using a crude word filter) since I’m only interested in VFR. If you want the IFR plates as well, just make the IFR_Keywords list an empty list in getaip.py:
IFR_Keywords = []

I’m running OS X 10.8 so if you want to run these scripts on windows you’ll need to install python at the very least and also rsync.

First I create a list of aerodrome objects and attach a list of assets to each aerodrome object. Each asset is essentially a linked pdf from the AIP web site. Then I create my required directory structure – directory name is the aerodrome ICAO code (for Air Nav Pro) and change the pdf file name to match the required naming convention (must start with ICAO code of aerodrome).
I essentially download all plates every time, since I don’t know which ones have changed.

The two python files need to be in the same directory. You can download all the plates just by running `python getaip.py`
This will create a directory named ‘aip’ in the same directory as the getaip.py script.

You need to mount the web dav server from Air Nav Pro.

Once this is done, then I just use rsync (with the –checksum and –delete) flags to update the plates – the script outputs a sample rsync command. Simple!!

Download the Python Files (Updated to support the Disclaimer page)